Basic Miso Soup

Basic Miso Soup
Print Recipe
This is a simple yet Super "OISHII" (Delicious)
2 cups
Cook Time
10 mins
2 cups
Cook Time
10 mins
Basic Miso Soup
Print Recipe
This is a simple yet Super "OISHII" (Delicious)
2 cups
Cook Time
10 mins
2 cups
Cook Time
10 mins
Servings: cups
  1. Put Dashi broth (or water) in a pot and heat up.
  2. Rince and soak Wakame seaweed(2-3mins) to take salt off, cut Tofu into 1cm cube, finely chop spring onion.
  3. Once Dashi broth heated up, turn heat off, add Wakame seaweed, Tofu, spring onion.
  4. Stir Miso paste in the pot.
Recipe Notes

Always add Miso paste at very end never boil it that loses flavour.

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